[bar String | 스트링바] TrumAX Gwangyang Tour 트러맥스 2018 광양투어 (광양, 순천, 여수, 인디 밴드 라이브 공연, 광양 중마동 바, 전남 클럽 공연) ROCK BAND, Gwangyang music bar, club, indie rock, open mic, music live pub
String Event/Concert Tour 2018. 6. 14. 15:49728x90
Hi everyone!
Sat. 7th in July, Here comes a very cool jazz band with trumpet and saxophone. They are young, competent, and witty. You can listen to their music on YouTube. It will be a very entertaining show. that anyone can enjoy listening to. and they are enjoying the popularization of jazz rather than playing music that is too difficult.
Is jazz difficult and boring?
That’s bullshit!
A young and fun jazz band, 'trumax', will show off the fun of jazz.
스트링바에 트로맥스 밴드가 1년만에 다시 옵니다. 젊고 재치있고 재미있는 밴드, 연주력과 실력을 겸비한 섹서폰과 트럼펫이 메인인 트러맥스의 멋진 무대를 직접 느껴 보세요. 후회 없으실 겁니다.
입장료 ₩10,000