
Merry Christmas All!

Or as I used to respond to the cheery checkout ladies at Target, "Happy Holidays"! That's right, Chanukah is right around the corner as well.

If your primary education of Chanukah comes from Adam Sandler films or the Rugrats, then I am here to confirm that Chanukah does,in fact,span 8 nights. Contrary to popular belief, all at nights are not of equal craze. Generally how it goes is that one night your mom fries up dank latkes, gives you some presents, and lights the menorah. On the second and third nights, shitty presents like coloring books and monogrammed kippahs come trickling in from irrelevant family members, and by nights4,5,and 6, you forget it's Chanukah all together...So this year we're going to drop all pretense and celebrate one night of Chanukah and celebrate it hard!

Come to Bar String on Friday December 15th (Night 4) for an evening of music, drinks, dancing, and dreidel spinning. The THEME is FORMAL WEAR so dress in your nicest attire.

bar String (스트링바)
전라남도 광양시 중마동 오류로 49

The icon of the music
Bar String

Posted by bar String